【双语灵修】良善 The Grace Of Goodness

“她广行善事,多施周济。” - 徒 9:36

良善的果实来自于神的奇异恩典,它尽心在力所能及的地方提供帮助和纠正错误,给他人带来益处,使他们感恩和赞美神(太 5:16)。


巴拿巴,他对教会慷慨解囊,在保罗(扫罗)需要朋友的时候给予帮助,他“是个好人,被圣灵充满,大有信心。”(徒 11:24;另见徒 4:36-37;9:27-28)。

哥尼流是最早信耶稣的外邦人(非犹太人)之一,他已经“是个虔诚人,敬畏神”,而且还“多多周济百姓,常常祷告神。”(徒 10:2)。神赐给他一个异象,叫他邀请彼得到家里去。神也赐给彼得一个异象,叫他去拜访哥尼流。于是彼得就照做了,他把耶稣的福音告诉了哥尼流和聚集在他家的一群人。当天那里的人都领受了圣灵的恩赐,都受了洗(徒 10)!



使徒行传 9:36-42


The Grace Of Goodness

"She was always doing good and helping the poor." - Acts 9:36

The fruit of goodness arises from the amazing grace of God. It seeks to help and to right wrongs where it can, providing benefits to others and leading them to give thanks and praise to God (Matthew 5:16).

As we have read in our text for today, Tabitha (Dorcas) "was always doing good and helping the poor." And when she suddenly became sick and died, the apostle Peter asked God to bring her back to life. And God did that! Tabitha could then continue with her acts of goodness, and because of this miracle "many people believed in the Lord."

Barnabas, who gave generously to the church and helped Paul (Saul) when he needed a friend, "was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith" (Acts 11:24; see also Acts 4:36-37; 9:27-28).

Cornelius, one of the first Gentiles (non-Jews) to believe in Jesus, was already "devout and God-fearing," and "he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly" (Acts 10:2). God sent him a vision, telling him to invite Peter to his house. God also sent Peter a vision, telling him to go and visit Cornelius. So Peter did that, and he shared the good news of Jesus with Cornelius and with a crowd of people who had gathered at his house. And all the people there received the gift of the Holy Spirit that day and were baptized (Acts 10)!


Lord Jesus, thank you for the good people in this world. Holy Spirit, breathe your goodness into all your people so that others may see and give praise to the Father in heaven. Amen.