【双语灵修】得胜的灵 The Overcoming Spirit

“他们想要往庇推尼去,耶稣的灵却不许。…有异象现与保罗。有一个马其顿人,…求他说,请你过到马其顿来帮助我们。” - 徒 16:7-9


圣灵把初期基督徒从耶路撒冷转到撒玛利亚和附近的其他国家(徒 8-10)。然后,圣灵又差派宣教士到其他地方去(徒 13)。我们今天读到的内容表明,圣灵想把福音传到欧洲(马其顿、希腊和其他地方)。所以祂阻止传教士走另一条路。


圣灵也能解决各种现实问题。圣灵使教会能够处理种族主义(徒6:1-7)、逼迫(徒 8:1-9:31)、与政府的冲突(徒 12:1-24)、领袖之间的分歧(徒 15:1-16:5)、应对邪恶的权势(徒 19:13-20)和顽固不信(徒 28:23-28)。在面对这些问题的过程中,教会得以成长(徒 6:7;9:31;12:24;16:5;19:20;28:28)。同样,圣灵也有能力克服我们对分享福音的恐惧、焦虑和犹豫。



使徒行传 16:6-10


The Overcoming Spirit

"They tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. . . . Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia . . . begging him, 'Come over to Macedonia and help us.'" - Acts 16:7-9

The book of Acts is the story of the Holy Spirit spreading the good news of Jesus out into the world. The Spirit fills believers in Christ and empowers them to be his witnesses. We like to be comfortable, and we often stay cloistered in our own communities. But the Spirit keeps pushing the church to take risks and spread the gospel to every corner of the world.

The Spirit moved the first Christians out from Jerusalem to Samaria and other nations nearby (Acts 8-10). Then the Spirit appointed missionaries to go to other lands (Acts 13). Our reading today shows that the Spirit wanted to spread the gospel into Europe (Macedonia, Greece, and beyond). So he blocked the missionaries from going another way.

Do you feel the push of the Holy Spirit? Go beyond your comfort zone and get to know someone who doesn't know Jesus. Keep listening to the Spirit, even if it means changing your plans.

The Holy Spirit overcomes all kinds of problems as well. The Spirit enabled the church to deal with racism (6:1-7), persecution (8:1-9:31), conflict with government (12:1-24), differences among leadership (15:1-16:5), powers of evil (19:13-20), and unbelief (28:23-28). After facing each of these problems, the church grew (Acts 6:7; 9:31; 12:24; 16:5; 19:20; 28:28). Likewise, the Spirit can overcome any fears, anxieties, and hesitations that we may have about sharing the good news.


Spirit, give me the courage to share your love with the people you want me to meet today. Amen.