【双语灵修】信心 - 胜过罪恶 Faith—Overcoming Evil

“你不可为恶所胜,反要以善胜恶。” - 罗 12:21




还有其他的人也在那里 - 清扫玻璃碎片、尝试在混乱中恢复秩序。那位母亲和她大约五岁和七岁的小孩拿着刷子和肥皂,也在那里尝试清洗难以除去的涂鸦。他们在黑暗中带来一线光明,在这个邪恶势力如此赤露敞开的地方,他们为这受伤之地带来几许来自神的爱。

在那位母亲和她的小孩身上,我们看见了耶稣;她和她的孩子代表了教会,基督的身体 - 这是以善胜恶的实践。看到他们所做的,我向神献上感恩的祷告,眼眶里含着感激的热泪。



罗马书 12:17-21


Faith—Overcoming Evil

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." - Romans 12:21

It began as a peaceful march to protest the brutal killing of George Floyd. But as the darkness deepened, it became a dark night of riotous behavior. Images of angry people smashing store fronts, of police cars ablaze, and of businesses going up in flames brought me to my knees in earnest prayer and disturbed my anxious sleep. What I saw was bad, frightening, evil.

In the morning I checked the news. The rioters were gone, but they had left a disturbing mess: smashed windows, burned cars, vile graffiti, sad ruins in the heart of the city.

A reporter surveying the damage approached a young mother with two children. He asked, "Why are you here this morning?" She said, "We saw the news; we decided that this city needs someone to show the love of God."

Others were there too—sweeping up the glass shards, trying to restore order to chaos. The mom and her children, who were about 5 and 7 years old, were there with brushes and soap, trying to erase stubborn graffiti. They brought some light into the darkness, some of God's love into a broken place where the evidence of evil was very real.

In that mother and her little ones, I saw the presence of Jesus. She and her children were being the church, Christ's body—overcoming evil by doing good. As I watched, warm and grateful tears welled up from within me in a prayer of thanks to God.


Lord, give us the faith, courage, and strength to overcome evil by doing good in our broken world. Amen.