【双语灵修】信心 - 学习去接受 Faith—Learning To Receive

“你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信。这并不是出于自己,乃是神所赐的。” - 弗 2:8

我们都喜欢收到礼物,我说得对吗?例如: 圣诞节早晨的小孩,他们急不及待地翻看圣诞树下的礼物,看看哪一份写着自己的名字。成年人或许会隐藏他们的兴奋,但他们岂不也同样喜欢收礼物吗?






这岂不是救恩的真义吗?我们承认我们需要神所赐的恩典 - 我们也要接受它。我们接受了神所赐的新生命,这是何等大的福气啊!



以弗所书 2:4-10


Faith—Learning To Receive

"It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. . . ." - Ephesians 2:8

We all like to receive gifts, right? For example, think of children on Christmas morning. They eagerly dig through gifts under the Christmas tree to find one with their name on it. Adults may hide their excitement, but they also like to receive gifts, don't they?

Reflecting some more on yesterday's story, I have to say I really struggled with how I should respond to our Nigerian neighbor who had come with the gift of a live chicken.

What should I do? I knew my neighbor needed that ­chicken far more than we did. He struggled to make ends meet.

So, as kindly as I could, I thanked him for his generosity. Then I said something like "But, friend, you need that chicken for your family. I can't accept a chicken from you."

So, without the chicken, I went back into the house. I told our steward what had happened. He furrowed his brow, looked me in the eye, and said, "You did the wrong thing! You refused his gift."

That stung. But he was right; I had done the wrong thing. Humbled, I went out to my neighbor, apologized to him, and accepted the chicken.

I needed that humbling lesson. It takes grace to receive, a willingness not to be in control.

Isn't that what salvation is all about? We recognize our need for God's gift of grace—and we receive it. And in receiving new life, how blessed we are!


We need the gift of your grace, O Lord. Give us the grace to receive your amazing gifts humbly and gratefully. Amen.