【双语灵修】信心 - 饶恕人,如同被饶恕 Faith—Forgiving As Forgiven

“‘免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。’” - 太 6:12



在尼日利亚时,有一次难过的经历,令我想起这个祷告。我们很信任我们所雇用的管家,他是我们家庭的一份子;他知道我们的生活习惯,包括我们放置金钱的抽屉钥匙收藏的地方。有一天,我们当场抓住了他 - 他正准备从抽屉里偷取金钱。

尽管如此,他仍然极力地否认。后来,他很不情愿地承认了他做了什么事;他恳求我们免了他的“债”。饶恕是不容易的,我们感到受伤和难过。他配得到饶恕吗?然而,我们自己又怎样呢 - 我们配得到神饶恕我们的罪吗?



主啊,我们是欠债的人,求你赦免我们的债。又求你塑造我们成为一个赦免他人债务的人,好叫我们有勇气继续提出接下来一半的祈求:“ … 如同我们免了人的债。”阿们。

马太福音 6:9-15


Faith—Forgiving As Forgiven

"Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." - Matthew 6:12

Jesus taught his followers this prayer, and it is often called "The Lord's Prayer." But it is a prayer that Jesus didn't need to pray. He had no debts or sins for which he needed forgiveness. His disciples did, though, so he taught them this prayer. We also need this prayer, don't we?

Acknowledging that we need forgiveness is not easy. But look at the last part of this request: ". . . as we also have forgiven our debtors." I sometimes wonder, "If God were to forgive us as we forgive others, how forgiven would we be?"

A difficult experience we had in Nigeria makes me think about this prayer. The steward we hired was a trusted part of our family. He knew our ways, including the place where we hid the key for our cash drawer. We caught him one day—almost in the act of taking money from the drawer.

Even so, he denied it—strongly. Then later, but not willingly, he admitted what he had done. He begged us to forgive his "debt." It was not easy to forgive. We were hurt and grieved. Did he deserve forgiveness? But what about us—did we deserve God's forgiveness for our sins?

We prayed. We sought the advice of a wise Nigerian friend. We were led to forgive our steward, and he continued to work for us.


Lord, we are debtors. For­give us our debts. Shape us into forgivers who also dare to pray the rest of this petition: ". . . as we also have forgiven our debtors." Amen.