【双语灵修】熟悉的声音 A Familiar Voice

“耶稣进前来,摸他们说,起来,不要害怕。他们举目不见一人,只见耶稣在那里。” - 太 17:7-8

几年前,我还是一个年轻的青少年牧师时,我坐在一个高大的木塔边缘,绑在一条滑索上,整个青年团在下面的地面上为我加油。我讨厌高处,一想到无缘无故地从一个完美的塔上跳下来,我还是会出一身冷汗。但我想向我的学生们展示,我可以战胜恐惧,滑到底部。我身后的工作人员是我的好朋友,离得很近, 他可以听到我的声音。我低声对他说,我很害怕,他得把我从边缘推下去。他小声说没事的,然后他就推了。






马太福音 17:1-8


A Familiar Voice

"'Get up,' he said. 'Don’t be afraid.' When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus." - Matthew 17:7-8

Some years ago when I was a young youth pastor, I sat on the edge of a tall, wooden tower, strapped to a zipline cable, with the whole youth group on the ground below cheering me on. I hate heights, and the thought of jumping from a perfectly good tower for no reason still makes me break into a cold sweat. But I wanted to show my students that I could conquer my fear and zipline to the bottom. The staff member behind me was a good friend and was close enough to hear me. I whispered to him that I was afraid and he was going to have to push me off the edge. He whispered back that everything would be fine, and then he pushed.

Boldness got me only so far that day. It got me up the tower, strapped in, and to the edge of the platform. But then my fear overtook me, and I needed a familiar voice—and a push—to go the rest of the way.

Peter, James, and John followed Jesus a long way. Their boldness took them to the top of a mountain and watched as Jesus was transfigured and he talked with Moses and Elijah. When God’s voice sounded from the heavens, though, fear overtook them. But then Jesus came over and said, “Don’t be afraid.” His familiar voice called them out of fear.

When you are afraid, take a moment to listen for Jesus’ voice calling you out of your fear. You might be surprised at the form that voice takes, but it will always be there.


Lord Jesus, when we are afraid, help us to listen for your voice calling to us. Amen.
