【双语灵修】后悔 Regrets

“现在你们不要害怕,我必养活你们和你们的妇人孩子。于是约瑟用亲爱的话安慰他们。” - 创 50:21






创世记 50:15-21



"'Don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.' And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them." - Genesis 50:21

We all have regrets. We regret things we did in the past that we wish we hadn’t done. For example, I remember calling someone a nasty name when I was young. Even though that was more than 35 years ago, I still think about it sometimes and regret what I did. Maybe for you what sticks in your mind is some action that you still regret. Maybe no one else even knows that you did. And when you think about it, maybe you are filled with fear of being found out or accused.

Joseph’s brothers had sold him into slavery many years earlier and had lied to cover it up (see Genesis 37-45). But recently they had learned that Joseph was now a powerful ruler and that he had also forgiven them for what they had done. But after their father, Jacob, died, they were afraid that Joseph would punish them and make them pay for what they had done to him. But Joseph assured them that they had nothing to be afraid of. He had forgiven them and would keep caring for them and their families.

God doesn’t want us to live in fear for what we have done. In Christ, God has forgiven us completely for all the wrong things we have done. Jesus’ sacrifice for us paid the price for all of those past transgressions. And as a result, we have been made new through Jesus Christ. So we have nothing to fear!


Forgiving God, forgive us for our past sins. Replace our fears with the assurance of your love and forgiveness forever. Amen.
