【双语灵修】当耶稣来到 When Jesus Appears

“你们放心。是我,不要怕。” - 太 14:27







马太福音 14:22-27


When Jesus Appears

"Take Courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid." - Matthew 14:27

I was on a hike a few years ago with my kids and some other family members. It was late in the day, and although it was early summer, the weather was questionable where we were, high up in the mountains.

We were quite a ways into our hike when the wind suddenly picked up, clouds rolled in, and the temperature dropped. I was kicking myself because I had not packed as I normally would for a hike like this. We didn’t have food, warm clothing, a fire starter, or any critical supplies. I was scared. But just when things began looking really bad, the storm shifted, and most of it passed by. Later the sun even came out. I’ve rarely been happier to see the sun.

Jesus’ disciples were out on the lake at night. The wind and waves had picked up considerably since the disciples had left the shore. No doubt a little bit of worry had settled over them. And then they saw Jesus walking on the water toward them. They didn’t recognize him at first, and they were terrified, thinking he was a ghost. But then he called out and assured them that it was him and not to worry. When Jesus shows up, our worries become less important.

There are so many things to be afraid of and to worry about in life. But when Jesus comes into our lives, all of those things can take a back seat. He can push them away and help us be rid of them. Look for Jesus in your life. Ask him to take away your fears.


Lord, fill our lives today, and take away all our worries and fears, we pray. Amen.
