【双语灵修】杀人犯 Murder

“只是我告诉你们,凡向弟兄动怒的,难免受审判。” - 太 5:22

在这段经文中,耶稣用第六条诫命(“不可杀人”,出埃及记 20:13)来解释愤怒,祂知道大多数听众会认为他们没有违反这条诫命。但耶稣没有称赞他们的顺服,而是解释了他们如何违反了命令背后的经义。

祂举了两个例子来说明论断或谴责的愤怒言辞。亚兰文的Raca可以翻译为“白痴”或“愚蠢”——它是质疑一个对你犯过错的人的思维能力的一种表达方式。耶稣使用的第二个词翻译为 "傻瓜",是对另一个人的性格的论断。





马太福音 5:21-22



"I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment." - Matthew 5:22

In this passage Jesus frames anger in terms of the sixth commandment (“You shall not murder,” Exodus 20:13), knowing that most of his listeners would think they hadn’t broken it. But rather than congratulating them for being obedient, Jesus explains how they have violated the spirit behind the command.

He does this by giving two examples of angry speech that are judgmental or condemning. The Aramaic word Raca can be translated as “idiot” or “stupid”—it’s a way of questioning the mind of someone who has wronged you. The second word Jesus uses, which is translated as “fool,” is a judgment on another person’s character.

It may seem like a stretch to compare angry speech with physical murder, but Jesus wants us to understand the power of our words. Angry speech is destructive against another person made in God’s image. It can push them into shame or self-loathing, rather than leading to fruitful repentance. And oftentimes our angry words create a cycle of retaliation and escalating anger.

So we must learn to control our anger and not to speak rashly. Thankfully, through Christ, we can find the grace to root anger and its hurtfulness out of our lives, and to become the peacemakers we are called to be.


Lord, help me not to rush into judging people out of anger. Move me to greater grace and compassion for everyone, even those who might hurt me. Amen.
