【双语灵修】主祷文 The Lord’s Prayer

“我们在天上的父…” - 太 6:9








马太福音 6:5-10


The Lord’s Prayer

"Our Father in heaven . . ." - Matthew 6:9

Maybe you have heard of the Lord’s Prayer, which Jesus begins to teach his followers in our passage for today. When it comes to praying, sometimes we might think we have to find just the right words, or to say things in just the right way, for God to hear us.

But Jesus shows us that isn’t the case. God is not some remote figure who must be awakened or impressed. There are no magic words; there is no secret formula to memorize in order to get God’s attention. In fact, God is eager to hear from us, and he is ready to welcome us at any time.

That’s because God, the Lord and Creator of the universe, is our Father. He is loving and attentive, and he understands the needs of our hearts.

Because of that, it’s safe to come into God’s presence just as we are. We can pray with confidence, even without knowing a lot about our Father, or knowing what to say. We can enter God’s presence in prayer because he wants to receive us and hear us, just as a loving parent wants with their child. God wants to spend time with us always, even when we are emotional or struggling.

Our loving Father who is in heaven invites us into his presence. To pray. And listen. To have a relationship with him. That’s what Jesus has come to offer.


Father, help me to believe that you want to hear from me and receive me, just as I am. Help me to see you as my loving Father who cares for all my needs. Amen.
