【双语灵修】要爱人如己 Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

“第一要紧的(诫命)就是说:‘… 爱主你的神 … ’其次就是说:‘要爱人如己。’” - 可 12:29-31


有人问了耶稣一个类似的问题:在神的律法众多的命令和规条之中,那一条占榜首呢?耶稣毫不犹豫回答说:“最重要的就是爱神”- 衪跟着立刻补充说什么是其次重要的:“要爱人如己。”

这里所说的爱是指那一种爱呢?这是关乎神对我们的爱,就是毫无保留的爱 - 全然恩慈、丰丰富富、不附带任何条件的爱。


耶稣给我们的做人准则 -“你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人”(马太福音7:12) - 这是爱人如己这条诫命的另一种说法。在某种程度上,是否懂得爱人,决定于我们能否爱我们自己。



马可福音 12:28-34


Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

“The most important [commandment] . . . is this: ‘. . . Love the Lord your God. . . .’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” - Mark 12:29-31

We learn many rules growing up: Brush your teeth. Look both ways before crossing the street. Always tell the truth. Which of these is most important?

Jesus was asked a similar question: Of the many commands and regulations in the law of God, which one tops the list? Jesus did not hesitate: “Love God above all”—and he quickly added the second: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

And what kind of love does this refer to? In connection with God’s love for us, this is unconditional love—totally gracious, generous, and with no strings attached.

Notice especially that Jesus says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This means that if we are to love our neighbors unconditionally and generously, we will need to love ourselves that way too! God doesn’t make junk. We are created in God’s image; we are his masterpieces. It’s not just okay to love myself: God expects me to celebrate the person he created me to be!

The Golden Rule Jesus gave us—“Do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12)—is another way of saying this command to love our neighbor as ourselves. Loving others well depends at least partly on our capacity to love ourselves.



Thank you, God, for creating us and pouring your love into us. Guard us against selfishness and pride. Help us to love others generously and unconditionally, in Jesus. Amen.
