【双语灵修】小孩子的看法 Through A Child’s Eyes

“‘让小孩子到我这里来,不要禁止他们,因为在神国的正是这样的人。’” - 路 18:16




身为成年人,比起很多小孩,我们见过更多的破碎、罪恶、悲痛、和损伤。在我们面对挑战和绕过危险道路时,我们的信心会被摇动。然而耶稣邀请我们坐在衪的脚前、接受衪的赦免、领受衪赐下的福气,并且晓得衪时常与我们同在,正如衪所应许的那样(马太福音 28:20)。




路加福音 18:15-17


Through A Child’s Eyes

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” - Luke 18:16

When my grandson was five years old, he asked a lot of questions about God. Eventually we prayed together, and he asked Jesus to come into his heart. After saying Amen, my grandson looked up with wide eyes and announced, “He was already there!”

It brought tears to my eyes as I imagined my grandson being lifted onto Jesus’ lap, and Jesus’ placing his hands on him and blessing him. Jesus intentionally invited and welcomed children into his covenant family, and I do believe he is “already there” in a child’s heart through the prayers of his parents and grandparents.

Isn’t it striking that the very Son of God, the Creator of the universe, did not consider himself too busy or too divine to visit with energetic and blunt-speaking children? He did not rebuke them, as his disciples did, but instead he held them up as role models for pure faith. Jesus taught adults to be as trusting and humble as little children, and to learn from them.

As adults, we’ve seen more brokenness, sin, heartache, and hurt than many children have seen. So our faith can be rocked as we face challenges and as we take dangerous detours. But Jesus invites us to sit at his feet, accept his forgiveness, receive his blessing, and realize that he is always with us, just as he promised (Matthew 28:20).



Loving God, remind us that we need to be as trusting and humble as children in our life with you each day. Help us admit that we need and depend on you for everything. Amen.
