【双语灵修】在基督里,爱胜过了恨 In Christ, Love Conquers Hate

“向弟兄动怒的,也应受裁判;…骂弟兄为‘蠢东西’的,逃不了地狱的火刑。” - 太 5:22现代译本



当罗马人和犹太人充满仇恨地杀害耶稣基督时,祂本可以呼求神的天使天军来阻止并毁灭他们(见太 26:52-53)。但祂却用爱来回应,请求天父赦免他们。当耶稣在十字架上为我们献上自己时,祂当然遵守了律法——不可杀人。但祂所做的远不止这些:祂更履行了最伟大的爱的律法。



马太福音 5:21-26


In Christ, Love Conquers Hate

"Anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. . . . Anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell." - Matthew 5:22

We have a natural tendency to hate or ignore God and our neighbor. We tell ourselves we are good people. But our selfishness and anger lie just below the surface. Anger often erupts in violent, hateful words and actions. If we don’t seem angry, it may just mean that our anger has not yet reached its boiling point or had an opportunity to erupt. In fact, we may be seething with inner anger.

Strictly following the command “You shall not murder” is not enough to overcome hatred. We must address the source of that sin. If we keep our anger from boiling over, we do well. But to gain mastery over anger, we need love. And showing love, especially toward people who have hurt us, does not come naturally. In fact, only the supernatural love of Christ can overcome the hatred we may feel for our enemies.

When the Romans and the Jews hatefully killed Jesus Christ, he could have called on God’s army of angels to stop and destroy them (see Matthew 26:52-53). But instead he responded in love, asking the Father to forgive them. When Jesus gave himself for us on the cross, he certainly obeyed the law—do not kill. But he did far more: he fulfilled the greatest law of love.


O God, help us not to add to the anger in our world today. Help us not only to control our anger but also to overcome it with your love. And thank you for showing us the way of love, through Jesus. Amen.
