【双语灵修】实在非同凡响 Truly Remarkable


“神就造出空气,将空气以下的水、空气以上的水分开了。事就这样成了。神称空气为天。” - 创 1:7-8


神创造像水如此奇妙的东西时,衪究竟有什么想法呢?水是唯一能在空气中以三种形态 — 固体、液体、和气体 — 自然存在的化学物质。冰山能够浮在水中,水能溶解差不多所有物质。甚至在炙热的阳光下,它也能保持清凉。我们的生活都依赖每一种形态的水而延续。

大量的水也会以水蒸气的形态存在于空气中。科学家估计空气中有3.3千万亿加仑的水 — 冷凝后只需要一吋的雨水便足以覆盖整个地球的表面。藉着云层在地球移动和流入湖泊和海洋中,这些水每年都会循环40次。

创世记声明神创造了在空气以上和以下的水。我们舌头上的唾液、身体内流动的血液、令我们凉快的流汗 — 这些都是神所造的。

我们得到维持生命的水,在不同的季节又有雨和雪来滋润大地和供应食粮给地上的生物 — 神在衪奇妙的创造中赐给我们这一切的美物,就让我们来赞美和感谢衪吧。



创世记 1:1-8


Truly Remarkable

"So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. God called the vault 'sky.'" - Genesis 1:7-8

A storm is a massive movement of water from gas to liquid, above to below, sky to earth. It is a key part of a natural cycle we depend on for daily living.

What must God have been thinking when he made something as wondrous as water? It is the only chemical that naturally exists in our atmosphere in all three phases—solid, liquid, and gas. Mountains of solid ice float. Water dissolves almost everything, and it stays cool even under a blazing sun. We live by water in all its forms.

Water also exists in vast quantities as vapor in the atmosphere. Scientists estimate that there are 3.3 quadrillion gallons of water in the atmosphere—enough to cover the entire surface of the Earth with one inch of rain, if condensed. And all of it is recycled 40 times each year, traveling the world in clouds and pouring into lakes and oceans.

Genesis testifies that God created these waters, above and below. The moisture on our tongues, the blood pulsing through us, the sweat that cools us—all these are the work of God.

Water for life, with seasonal rains and snows to keep the earth well-watered and its creatures supplied with food—let’s praise and thank God for all these good things in his wonderful creation.


Dear God, we praise you for your amazing creation. You are all-powerful and Lord over all. Thank you for your care for us in all seasons of life. Amen.
