【双语灵修】主、君王、和救主 Lord, King, And Savior


“必有一人像避风所和避暴雨的隐密处,又像河流在干旱之地 …。” - 赛 32:2


在以赛亚书32章,神向我们发出一项奇妙的应许。祂的子民离开祂、转而靠赖其他国家的力量(参看以赛亚书 28-31章),这时神便警告他们,而这项应许是在神警告他们的同时发出的。纵使百姓对神不忠心,以赛亚仍然提醒他们,神已经应许将来会有一个公义的国度临到。

今天我们知道这位“凭公义行政”的君王就是耶稣,而那些跟随祂的做法的领袖也会藉公平掌权。它意味着每一个人 —无论长幼、无论男女、无论父子— 全部都能够有安全保障地兴起、学习、和成长。

神的国是在生命的风暴和困扰中的避难所。救主耶稣已赐我们新的生命,祂更应许我们这份生命“得的更丰盛”(约翰福音 10:10)。我们不用惧怕或担忧将来怎样,家庭和社会必定能够靠主兴旺。而我们的君王也邀请我们去欢迎其他人进来一同躲避生命中的风暴呢。



以赛亚书 32:1-8


Lord, King, And Savior

"Each one will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert. . . ." - Isaiah 32:2

How amazing parents are! They sacrifice so much for their children and are eager to provide opportunities for them. A key preoccupation of seafarers during their visits to ports around the world is to buy books, toys, and clothes to bring back for their children. Parents show love and protection in so many ways for their children, and God does the same for us.

In Isaiah 32, God shares a wonderful announcement. This comes in the midst of warnings to God’s people, who have turned away from him to rely on the power of other nations (see Isaiah 28-31). But even though the people have been unfaithful, Isaiah reminds them that God has promised a kingdom of righteousness.

Today we know that the King who “will reign in righteousness” is Jesus, and leaders who follow his ways will rule with justice. This means that everyone—young and old, men and women, parents and children—all will be able to flourish and learn and grow in peace.

God’s kingdom is a refuge from the storms and troubles of life. The Savior, Jesus, has given us new life and promises it “to the full” (John 10:10). We need not fear or dread the future. Families and communities can thrive. And our King invites us to welcome others in from the storm.


Lord, King, and Savior, you are our refuge and strength. You care for us with love and compassion. Help us to care for and love others as you have done for us. Amen.
