【双语灵修】耶稣叫你啦 Jesus Is Calling


“放心,起来!他叫你啦。” - 可 10:49



这可能看起来并不重要,但它与众人鼓励的话“放心,起来!他叫你啦。”非 常吻合,因为我们已经知道当时巴底买是坐在路边的。

从希腊文原文中,我们还知道,众人在这里说的是跟“复活(arise)”同一个字,所以,这里并不是一个偶然的细节。马可使用的是描述耶稣从死里复活时相同的词汇(见可 16:6),这个精心选词指向了修复、救赎和复活,意思是:“巴底买,振作起来!起来吧!你的救赎来了,你的拯救来了!”




马可福音 10:46-50


Jesus Is Calling

“Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” - Mark 10:49

Our online newspaper includes a puzzle showing two drawings that are almost the same. The challenge is to find at least six differences between the two drawings. And to do that, you have to look closely at the details.

In the book of Mark we need to focus on the details of Jesus’ life and how people respond to him. Did you notice, for example, that Bartimaeus is described as “sitting” when Jesus comes walking by?

This may seem unimportant. But it fits beautifully with the crowd’s encouraging words “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” This makes sense because we have been told that Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside.

From the original Greek text we also know that what the crowd is saying here is “Arise!” So Mark is not just giving us an incidental detail. Mark is using the same language that will describe Jesus’ resurrection, when he rises from the dead (see Mark 16:6). This carefully chosen word points to restoration, redemption, and resurrection: “Bartimaeus, cheer up! Arise! Your redemption is here; your salvation is coming!”

Bartimaeus is a man whose condition has knocked him down in life. A blind person would have no standing in the community, but the arrival of Jesus made all the difference in the world to him—just as Jesus’ coming does for us.


Thank you, Jesus, for calling me and giving me the hope and promise that in you all things are being made new. By your mercy toward me, I rise to new life! Amen.
