【双语灵修】活泼的盼望 A Living Hope


“愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父神,他曾照自己的大怜悯,借耶稣基督从死里复活重生了我们,叫我们有活泼的盼望…” - 彼前 1:3


彼得的建议有点像对罗马帝国的早期基督徒的鼓舞士气的话。他写信鼓励他们将颂赞归给神,并专注于神在基督里所应许的所有美好事物。神“曾照自己的大怜悯,藉耶稣基督从死里复活,重生了我们,叫我们有活泼的盼望”—这其中包括了 “不能衰残…的基业”。彼得知道一些基督信徒因为他们的信仰而面临艰难和逼迫,所以他想提醒他们还有这些理由颂赞神。





彼得前书 1:3-7


A Living Hope

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. . . .” - 1 Peter 1:3

These words of Peter remind me of the need for training and practice in all kinds of sports, music programs, drama, dance, and more. Athletes, musicians, actors, dancers, and others all practice and train so that when the time comes to play or perform, they are ready.

Peter’s advice is sort of like a pep talk to early Christians in the Roman Empire. He writes to encourage them to give praise to God and to focus on all the good things God has promised in Christ. “In his great mercy,” God has given “new birth into a living hope” through Jesus’ resurrection—and this includes “an inheritance that can never . . . fade.” Peter knew that some believers in Christ were facing hardships and persecution because of their faith, so he wanted to remind them of these reasons to praise God.

My first reaction to spiritual trouble might be to complain, curse the world, or even question God’s care. Peter’s regimen is to exercise our worship muscles and to offer praise to God—to stay in spiritual shape. In other words, hard times require training, and we can train best by praising God for all he has done to save us.

Here is a spiritual tip: In light of Easter and the resurrection, practice praising God now so that when tougher times come, you will be prepared to do what you need to do!


Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and for the living hope that helps us face the challenges of life in this world. Amen.
