【双语灵修】好消息的开始 The Beginning Of Good News


“神就照着自己的形像造人,… 神就赐福给他们,又对他们说:‘要生养众多,遍满地面,治理这地 …。’” - 创 1:27-28


当然,我们并非外形像神,因为神是个灵-但神的形像还包含很多意思,其中一个意思就是,我们是神的代表。神吩咐我们要治理衪所造的一切 - 不单是这几节经文中提到的活物,更包含日后人类历史一切复杂的进程。


对每一个人来说,这当然是好消息 - 特别是对那些归属感和使命感受到削弱,或那些因贫穷或其他原因妨碍他们参与正常生活、以致他们不能拥有快乐丰盛生活的人们。给贫穷的人的好消息,是从提醒他们具有神的形像开始的。



创世记 1:26-30


The Beginning Of Good News

"God created mankind in his own image. . . . God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. . . ." - Genesis 1:27

Good news begins right at the beginning. The good news found at the beginning of things in Genesis 1 is that there is a God who makes and upholds all that there is, and that we humans are made in the image of this amazing God.

We don’t look like God, of course, for God is Spirit—but this means, among other things, that we are God’s representatives. We are called to take care of all that God has made—and not just the creatures mentioned in these ­verses, but also the unfolding of all human history that follows, in all its complexity.

Amazing! Mere mortals are endowed with the dignity and honor of representing the infinite God, acting on God’s behalf to care for his creation with all its potential. We are God’s agents with a most prestigious job description. And this leads us, with joy and gratitude, to a profound sense of identity and calling.

This is good news for everyone, of course—but perhaps especially for people whose sense of identity and purpose are diminished, whose ability to live joyfully and fully are held back because of poverty or anything else that hinders their participation in life. Good news for the poor begins with a reminder that they bear God’s image.


Thank you, God, for creating us in your image and giving us life in your world. Help us to see your image in everyone we meet. Amen.