【双语灵修】扎根于耶稣基督 The Root Is Jesus


“因听见你们在基督耶稣里的信心,并向众圣徒的爱心…” - 西 1:4


保罗听说歌罗西人已经信了基督耶稣,并显明对众圣徒的爱心,就因此充满了感恩。他甚至说:“我们感谢神......常常为你们祷告……” 歌罗西人已经成了靠耶稣而活的美好榜样。他们完全信靠神,对人有爱心,盼望神为他们存留在天上的基业。总而言之,我们可以和保罗一起说,歌罗西人的信是扎根于耶稣基督的。




歌罗西书 1:1-8


The Root Is Jesus

"We have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God's people. . . ." - Colossians 1:4

It's wonderful when someone comes into the kingdom of God. That person receives God's gift of grace through faith in Jesus, and they begin a new life of walking with the Holy Spirit. The new believer realizes that their old life of selfish pursuits offers nothing that will ever satisfy. They have turned their back on the darkness and are enjoying the light of the world, Jesus. Praise God for his love!

Paul is filled with thanks to hear that the people of Colossae have come to faith in Christ Jesus and are showing their love for all God's people. He even says, "We always thank God . . . when we pray for you . . ." They have become wonderful examples of living by faith in Jesus. They believe and trust, they love, and they hope in what God has already stored up in heaven for them. Drawing all this together, we can say with Paul that the faith of the Colossian believers is rooted in Jesus Christ.

Friends, my prayer is that you will have faith in Christ Jesus; my hope for you is that in Jesus' name you are loving others, giving yourself up for them, and growing in hope in all that God has promised and is storing up for you in heaven. Stay rooted in Christ, anticipating the reality of God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


Gracious God in whom we hope, strengthen our faith in Jesus, the Savior of the world. Increase our love for others and build our hope in what we know is yet to come. Amen.

