【双语灵修】乌鸦叨来的食物 Bread From The Ravens


“‘你要喝那溪里的水,我已吩咐乌鸦在那里供养你。’” - 王上 17:4

圣经中有很多关于神的子民的故事,记载他们违背神吩咐他们做某些事情 - 而做那些事情的本意是要帮助百姓学习信靠神。神爱护和看顾衪的子民,衪常常希望我们得到最好的。可是我们时常喜欢按自己的喜好行事 - 于是我们便不服从神了,这样做只会带来烦恼,如果神不搭救我们,我们最终便毁了自己。

在列王纪上17章,尽管事情看来不合情理,以利亚仍然完全信靠神。神告诉以利亚,要去一个他不熟识的地方,以利亚相信神必定会在那里供应他的需要 - 在旱灾当中,这看起来是不可能做得到的事。然而,出人意料之外,以利亚可以喝溪里的水,又可以吃乌鸦天天带来的饼和肉,而以色列民向来都视乌鸦为不洁净和不可接近的。虽然此事实在非同寻常,但以利亚因为信赖神的支持,他便最终得了神所赐的食物和悉心的看顾。





列王纪上 17:1-6

Bread From The Ravens

"You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there." - 1 Kings 17:4

In the Bible there are many stories about God's people disobeying God's instructions to do certain things—and all of those things were designed to help the people learn to trust in God. God loves and cares for his people, and he always wants what is best for us. But we often like to do things our own way—so instead we disobey God, and that leads to trouble and eventually to ruin, unless God rescues us.

In 1 Kings 17, Elijah demonstrated complete trust in God, even when it didn't seem to make sense. God told Elijah to go to a place that was unfamiliar to him, and Elijah trusted that God would provide for him there—even though it wouldn't have seemed possible in the midst of a drought. But, amazingly, Elijah was able to drink from a fresh stream, and he ate bread and meat brought to him each day by ravens—birds that the Israelites were taught to view as unclean and off limits! As strange as it was, Elijah received the gift of bread and good care by trusting that God would sustain him.

Can you trust that God will provide for you even in ways that may seem surprising?

Can you recognize God's call in your life, prompting you to do right instead of wrong, to obey his Word and follow his way instead of going your own way?


Lord, guide our hearts to trust that you will provide for us in ways that we would not even imagine. Amen.
