【双语灵修】提升到天上 Up


“我们却是天上的国民,并且等候救主,就是主耶稣基督从天上降临。” - 腓 3:20




但这却引起一个实际的问题:我们一起吃主餐时,耶稣是否从天降下、来到地上与我们会面呢?活在 500年前的一位法国牧师约翰加尔文这样回答:“不是这样。事实上,透过圣灵奇妙的能力,我们、就是教会,被提升到天上与耶稣会面。”所以,虽然我们是坐着在地上敬拜,但我们所在的空间以不可名状的方式被提升至天上、与天堂重叠汇合起来。有些神学家称这个说法为加尔文对主餐的“虚拟(virtual)”理论。

耶稣再来的那一天,天堂将会与祂一起从上降下到地上,凡相信衪的人将会和祂一起永远活着。那时,天和地便完全合一、整个受造世界会被更新、而我们也将永远与主同享丰盛的生命(启示录 21-22章)。



腓立比书 3:20-4:1



"Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. . . ." - Philippians 3:20

One of my favorite movies is the animated film Up. In this film, an old man named Carl attaches thousands of helium filled balloons to his house, which then takes him and his young friend Russell up and away to fantastical adventures.

Before eating the Lord's Supper, Christians in some traditions pray these words, "We lift up our hearts to the Lord."

After Jesus died and was raised to life again, he ascended up and away to heaven. But Jesus is never far away from his people, especially when they worship, hear God's Word, and eat the meal he gave them.

But this leads to a practical question: when we eat this meal together, does Jesus come down from heaven to meet with us on earth? John Calvin, a French pastor who lived 500 years ago, answered, "No. Actually, through the mysterious power of the Holy Spirit, we, the church, are pulled up to heaven to meet with Jesus." So even as we sit in worship, somehow our space has been pulled up to overlap with heaven. Some theologians have called this Calvin's "virtual" theory of the Lord's Supper.

Someday, when Jesus comes again, heaven will come down to earth with him, and all who believe in him will be able to live with him. Then, with heaven and earth completely overlapping, all creation will be renewed, and we will enjoy full life with the Lord forever (Revelation 21-22).


Lord, may your kingdom fully come on earth as it is in heaven. Till then, draw us up to you by your Spirit. Amen.
