【双语灵修】凡事与我们相同 Like Us In Every Way


“所以他凡事该与他的弟兄相同…” - 来 2:17


在几年前的一次讲道中,我引用了一首名为“我们之一”的歌曲。我因此而遇到了麻烦。因为这首歌以它自己的方式对“道成肉身”进行了猜想。“如果上帝是我们中的一个,就像我们一样粗俗,那会怎样?”有人告诫我,“上帝可不粗俗!” 不错,祂当然不是。


我们知道做一个有形有体的人是什么感觉。当然,作为人是有 “荣耀和尊贵”的(诗 8:5):他是美丽、有力量和有智慧的。但他也有另一面:平凡、软弱、疼痛和愁苦。还有一个残酷的现实,我们有时很粗俗。




希伯来书 2:10-18


Like Us In Every Way

"He had to be made like them, fully human in every way. . . ." - Hebrews 2:17

In the Christmas song "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing" we might recognize the words "veiled in flesh the Godhead see; hail the incarnate Deity." And if we're in a thoughtful mood, we might wonder at the mystery of the Word becoming flesh, of God becoming one of us.

In a sermon years ago, I quoted from a song called "One of Us." In its own way, the song wonders about the incarnation: "What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us?" I got in trouble for that. I was told, "God is not a slob!" Well, of course not.

Yet there is something scandalous about the incarnation, isn't there?

We know what it's like to be embodied creatures. Sure, there's the "glory and honor" of being human (Psalm 8:5): the beauty and strength and intelligence. But there's also the other side: the homeliness, the weakness, the aches and pains. And there's the harsh truth that sometimes we are slobs.

That's why we can't imagine God really becoming one of us. God is lovely and lofty, perfect and pure. How could such a God get mixed up in the mess of being human, as human as any of us? But that's the truth and the scandal of the incarnation. The eternal Son of God abandons the perfections of divinity to take on the flaws of humanity. And he does it out of love.


Jesus, we can hardly imagine what you gave up to take on what we know in our bones. But that's what you did for us, and we are amazed. Amen.
