【双语灵修】完美的创造 Creation Perfected


“神看着一切所造的都甚好。” - 创 1:31


细心的读者还会注意到,列王纪上6-7章中神的圣殿看起来就像创造。神在圣殿中,大祭司每年可以进去一次(利 16章)。


新天新地里将不再有圣殿(启 21:22),因为在新天新地不会只在一个地方神人交汇。相反,他们将联合成为一个新的所在。在那里,神的家就在人间。这就是神的心意,也是祂一直期待的事——天与地的结合。

“道成肉身”反映了神的这一旨意。耶稣自己就是新的圣殿(约 2:19-21)。耶稣自己就是天与地的交汇。在祂的身上,神与人结合在一起。这不仅是甚好,而是终极的完美。



启示录 21:1-4


Creation Perfected

"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." - Genesis 1:31

Careful readers have noticed that God's creation in Genesis 1 looks like a temple. A temple is a place where heaven and earth meet. So in Genesis 2-3, God comes to the creation-temple to interact with his creatures.

Careful readers have also noticed that God's temple in 1 Kings 6-7 looks like creation. God was present in the temple, and once a year the high priest could be there too (Leviticus 16).

Sometimes people say that the creation was perfect, until sin messed things up. Well, sin did mess things up. It still does. But the creation was never perfect. It was just very good. There isn't perfection until the end, until there is a new heaven and earth.

In the new heaven and earth, there will be no temple (Revelation 21:22) because the new heaven and earth won't intersect at just one place. Instead they will be united as one new reality. In this new reality, the home of God is with humanity. That's how God wants things to be and has always wanted things to be—with heaven and earth united.

The incarnation reflects this intention. Jesus himself is the new temple (John 2:19-21). Jesus himself is where heaven and earth meet. And in his person, God and humanity are united. That's not just very good. It's perfect.


Holy Jesus, you have made it possible for God and humanity to live together. Even more, you have made it real. How perfect is that? Amen.
