【双语灵修】仍是耶稣,却有所不同 The Same, But Different


“他们便给他一片烧鱼。他接过来,在他们面前吃了。” - 路 24:42-43


那天晚些时候,耶稣和两个沮丧的门徒一起走向以马忤斯(路 24:13-35)。他们和耶稣谈了许多话,但谁都没有认出祂,即使在祂教导圣经的时候也没有。但当耶稣与他们掰饼时,他们才看清了。那是耶稣,是原来的耶稣。

那天晚上,耶稣也在一个关着门的房间里向门徒们显现(路 24:36-49)。他们不确定是不是祂。除了能够突然出现和消失之外,祂似乎还与平日有所不同。“这是个鬼魂吗?”他们诧异道。但祂和之前并没有什么不同。祂仍然有骨有肉。祂说:“摸我看看”。显然,祂饿了。所以他们给祂一些鱼吃。然后他们就看清了。那是耶稣,是原来的耶稣。





约翰福音 20:11-16


The Same, But Different

"They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence." - Luke 24:42-43

On the first Easter, Mary Magdalene wept at the empty tomb of Jesus. She was beside herself with grief. Then suddenly, when she turned around, she saw Jesus standing there. But she didn't recognize him. She guessed he was the gardener. Not a bad guess, considering where they were and what time of day it was. But when he spoke her name, then she could see. It was Jesus, still Jesus.

Later that day, Jesus joined a pair of despondent disciples walking to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). They had a long conversation with Jesus. But they didn't recognize him, not even when he was teaching them from the Scriptures. But when he broke bread with them, then they could see. It was Jesus, still Jesus.

Later that evening, Jesus also appeared to his disciples in a locked room (Luke 24:36-49). They weren't sure it was him. Besides being able to suddenly appear and disappear, he seemed different. "Is this a ghost?" they wondered. But he wasn't that different. He was still flesh and bones. "Touch me and see," he said. And apparently he was hungry. So they gave him some fish to eat. Then they could see. It was Jesus, still Jesus.

Sure, he was different. But he was still the same. Sure, he was different. But he was still human. And he still is.


Jesus, when you rose from the dead, you didn't cast your human nature aside. You may be different, but you are still like us. We can't wait to be different like you. Amen.
