【双语灵修】蒙神拣选 Chosen


“就按着自己意旨所喜悦的,预定我们藉着耶稣基督得儿子的名分…。” - 弗 1:5

我的女儿和女婿正在为我们的一个孙儿选择一头治疗犬,他们一直都在讨论和研究狗的哪一个品种最好和多大体型才合适。 在这个过程中, 为了要家人体验如何适应新成员的加入, 他们的另一个儿子也在学习帮助邻居遛狗。 他们全家都一起参与,来共同作出一个明智的选择。






以弗所书 1:3-5



"He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. . . ." - Ephesians 1:5

My daughter and son-in-law are in the process of choosing a therapy dog for one of our grandsons. They have been discussing and studying about which breed is best and which size is right. During this time, their other son has been helping to walk the neighbor's dog to get a sense of how this addition to the family will work. The family is invested together to make a good choice.

Even more important is understanding that God has decided that he wants us to join his family. Does it inspire you that God has been pleased to create us for fellowship with him? God knew that through the sacrifice of Jesus we would become sons and daughters of God. His plan for our lives is to include us in his story. It wasn't enough that God created us and made us his imagebearers; he also loves us and wants to live in relationship with us.

When our lives reflect the realization of all this, we display God's glory and his love, and something changes in us. We carry ourselves with the knowledge that we belong and are part of God's family.

What does it mean to be part of this family? It means we are responsible for one another. Because of the love God has given us, we have the ability to live in unity together, sharing in the story that God has indeed chosen us.


Thank you, Father, that you have created us and have chosen us. Help us to see what it means to be in your family and to treat others with the same love you have shown us. Amen.
