【双语灵修】丰盛的生命 Fully Alive


“‘我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。’” - 约 10:10






以弗所书 2:4-5


Fully Alive

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10

We stood on the beach in Trinidad seven days after a tsunami-like event had hit. It was now quiet, but we were advised not to go into the water yet. Nearby stood a number of food huts, known for their traditional "bake and shark" dishes. The huts had been covered in water just days earlier, but as they were drying out, many of the vendors were beginning to open the windows and doors again. We were fascinated by their resilience and sense of hope. Even though they had faced tough days, there would soon be a new season of customers and sunshine and busyness.

In a way, this reminded me of God's great promises for us. Even before we felt the breath of new life, when we were still separated from God because of our sin, Jesus, through his love for us, gave us the hope of becoming fully alive. His sacrifice for us gives us the challenge of becoming fully alive in him.

To be fully alive is to be aware that the life God calls us to is dripping with meaning (even if it doesn't always feel that way). And we are called to work at living out that meaning in a deeper way every day.


Dear God, help us not to live sterile lives but to be useful in your kingdom. Help us to blaze trails and shine forth with the light you have given us through your love. Help us to be fully alive in Christ Jesus. Amen.
