【双语灵修】你收了什么礼物? What Did You Get?


“但愿使人有盼望的神、因信将诸般的喜乐平安充满你们的心,使你们藉着圣灵的能力大有盼望。” - 罗 15:13

圣诞节过后,你会保留多久的节日装饰才会拆除呢?你会等多久才会使用放在圣诞树下的礼物,或把它们存放在抽屉里呢?有一年,我买了一件美丽的睡袍给我妈妈,我知道她会喜欢的。但当我发现她竟然没有穿这件睡袍时,我真的感到非常困惑。我追问她为什么,她说她希望留待有特别的场合才穿。她说她真的很喜欢这件质地柔软舒适的睡袍 - 于是我便向她保证,现在就是穿上这件睡袍享用它的最佳时候了。



今天,但愿你能经历到盼望和喜乐 - 并且与别人多多分享!



罗马书 15:13-20


What Did You Get?

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13

How long do you keep Christmas decorations up after the holiday? How long do gifts stay under the tree before you use them or tuck them into a drawer? One year I bought my mom a nice nightgown that I knew she would like. But I was really confused when I learned that she didn't wear it. I asked her about it, and she said she was saving it for a special occasion. She said it was soft and comfortable and that she really liked it—so I assured her that it was good to use the gown and enjoy it right away.

As I think about what we have been given by God, I wonder if we do something similar. For example, Paul points out some wonderful gifts from God in the blessing we read here today, and I wonder if we hear those words about joy and peace and then just tuck that thought away for some special day.

God has gifted us with the ability to experience hope and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit. What's more, we are given the ability to share this with others. So this isn't just a gift to be treasured and kept hidden, or even shared only in the church. God is calling us to bring this good news to the world.

May you experience hope and joy today—and share it with others!


Dear God, forgive us when we only use or share the gifts you have given us on special occasions. Help us to enjoy your hope, peace, and joy every day so that we might share the good news everywhere. Amen.
