【双语灵修】反省与回应 Reflection And Response


“你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。” - 箴 3:5

多年来丈夫和我都会安排一个我们称为“1,500万元的日子”- 由于通货膨胀,我们也可能需要调整这个金额了。开始这一天,我们把虚拟的1,500万元存入一个假设的银行户口,跟着我们便开始整天的省察。我们回顾过去几个月,我们也向前瞻望。对某些人来说,当新的一年开始时,他们也会这样做。我们问自己,有什么事情是我们应该采用不同方法去处理的、有哪些事情是我们想去做的 - 特别是如果我们真的拥有这笔巨款的话。我们一起展开宏伟远大的梦想。





箴言 3:1-6


Reflection And Response

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. . . ." - Proverbs 3:5

For years my husband and I have planned what we call a "$15 million day"—although it might need to be adjusted for inflation. At the beginning of the day, we bank $15 million in an imaginary account, and we set off on a day of reflection. We look back on the past several months, and we look forward. For some people, the beginning of a new year is something like that. We ask questions about what we might have done differently, and what we would like to do—especially if we actually had loads of money. We dream big and imagine far.

Then we also ask, If money is the only thing stopping us from our dreams, why is that? Is there something we need to adjust in our reflections? Are we trusting God with our plans? Have we even invited God into our planning? Have we made room to ask what we are trusting God for and whether our dreams connect with the full life he promises us?

When we ask these kinds of questions, we realize that what God wants to share with us is enough. This means that even when things don't make sense to us, we can rely on God's promises. It also means we are not in this alone. God is always with us, and God is enough.


God, please help us to trust in you. Help us to stop trying to figure life out on our own and to ask you for help. Thank you for guiding our steps along the path to full life. Thank you for walking with us today. Amen.
