【双语灵修】你的盼望在哪里?Where Is Your Hope?
“恶人一死,他的指望必灭绝。罪人的盼望,也必灭没。” - 箴 11:7
在21世纪初的一首敬拜歌曲中,歌手/作曲家布莱恩·杜尔克森(Brian Doerksen)唱道:“耶稣,万国的盼望/耶稣,悲痛之人的安慰/你是世人属天盼望的源泉。”
我们为什么这样做?箴言警告说,把盼望放在人身上是徒劳的,因为任何人的力量都将归于无有。正如使徒保罗告诉我们的,“没有权柄不是出于神的”(罗 13:1)。
箴言 11:4-8
Where Is Your Hope?
"Hopes placed in mortals die with them; all the promise of their power comes to nothing." - Proverbs 11:7
In a worship song from the early 2000s, singer/songwriter Brian Doerksen sings, "Jesus, hope of the nations/ Jesus, comfort for all who mourn/ You are the source of heaven's hope on earth."
As believers in Christ, we recognize and worship Jesus as the true hope of the world, and yet it's astounding how often we pin our hopes on human beings. In all of our history books, it is clear that people are inclined to find hope in leaders, politicians, and celebrities rather than in the one true God.
Why do we do this? Proverbs warns that placing hope in humans is futile because any human power will come to nothing. As the apostle Paul tells us, "There is no authority except that which God has established" (Romans 13:1).
By saying this, Paul is assuring believers that in all situations, even in the midst of national turmoils and global crises, God is the one who holds all authority. Any human who has "power" has it only because God allows it to be so.
In other words, our hopes and desires must lie with the One who is on the throne of the universe. Our prayers must be oriented toward Christ, for he is truly the only hope—the one who can change minds, transform hearts, disperse powers, and bring restoration.
Creator God, you made every living thing, and you hold all things together. Lord, bring restoration to this world that desperately needs your leadership and authority. Amen.