【双语灵修】义人施舍 Righteous Savings


“穷人耕种多得粮食,但因不义有消灭的。” - 箴 13:23

在古代以色列,神命令百姓要将田里的庄稼与穷人分享。收获后剩下的任何东西都要留给不富裕的人——寄居的、寡妇和孤儿(见申 24:19)。这种做法也出现在路得的故事中(见得 2章)。






箴言 13:23


Righteous Savings

"An unplowed field produces food for the poor, but injustice sweeps it away." - Proverbs 13:23

In ancient Israel, the people were commanded to leave a share of the crops in their fields for the poor. Anything that was left over from harvesting was to be left for people who were less fortunate—foreigners, widows, and the fatherless (see Deuteronomy 24:19). This practice enters into the story of Ruth as well (see Ruth 2).

The Israelites were commanded by God to follow rules like these so that justice would be a normal part of their daily living. They were called to steward their wealth in a way that always left room for helping people who were disadvantaged and who were therefore often poor and needy.

Not many of us "live off the land" these days, but we can still find ways to save portions of our income and give material goods to people who are less fortunate. Maybe this could mean setting aside a portion of your groceries for a local food bank, or offering an empty room in your house to a child in need of care. The opportunities are many!

How might you apply this principle to your own life and express kindness to people who are struggling today?


Gracious God, you have given us the greatest treasure in Jesus, but we often fail to offer our earthly treasures to you in return. Grant us a heart of kindness and justice to help people who are less fortunate than we are. Amen.
