【双语灵修】晓得智慧 Knowing Wisdom


“智慧存在聪明人心中;愚昧人心里所存的,显而易见。” - 箴 14:33




保罗问哥林多人:“岂不知你们的身子就是圣灵的殿吗?”(林前 6:19)。圣灵住在我们里面,是圣灵向我们揭示了所有的真理和智慧,因为祂的主要任务是帮助我们像耶稣一样生活。何等有幸!






箴言 14:33


Knowing Wisdom

"Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning, and even among fools she lets herself be known." - Proverbs 14:33

In this proverb Wisdom is characterized as someone who "reposes" or comes to rest in the hearts of people who are discerning.

Don't we all desire that Wisdom would come and rest in our hearts—that truth, grace, and goodness would take up residence within us and bring us peace?

The beautiful reality of faith in Jesus Christ is that this has actually happened. Wisdom has come to live and reign in our hearts through God's Holy Spirit.

Paul asked the Corinthians, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?" (1 Corinthians 6:19, NRSV). The Holy Spirit lives within us, and it's the Spirit who reveals all truth and wisdom to us, because his primary task is to help us live like Jesus. What a privilege!

But let's not become conceited about that. Proverbs 14:33 also notes that Wisdom lets herself be known "even among fools." In other words, Wisdom wants to be known by everyone.

Jesus' desire too is that every heart should know him, that all people should know his saving grace and his compassion.

How might you allow the Spirit of Wisdom to shine through you today? How might you allow others to see Jesus through you?


Compassionate God, teach me to have a heart of wisdom—one that yearns to know you more and longs for others to know you as well. May your Spirit come and rest within me. Amen.
