【双语灵修】首要优先 Our Greatest Priority


“敬畏耶和华是智慧的训诲;尊荣以前,必有谦卑。” - 箴 15:33





那么关键的问题来了:你最优先考虑的是什么? 或者说你希望你最先考虑的是什么?



箴言 15:33


Our Greatest Priority

"Wisdom's instruction is to fear the LORD, and humility comes before honor." - Proverbs 15:33

Let's close our reflections for this month by focusing again on wisdom. Here—about halfway through Proverbs—is a verse that summarizes much of what the book aims to teach.

"Wisdom's instruction is to fear the LORD." At the end of the day, who or what consumes most of your thinking? Who or what are you in awe of? What would you say is the most important thing in your life?

We do well to check in with ourselves regularly and ask these questions. Because if something takes priority over the Lord in our lives, then we will find that everything else tumbles into disarray.

Wisdom says that when the Lord is our greatest priority, everything else falls into proper alignment. When the Lord is our focus, we take on a posture of humility and worship rather than seeking to gain honor for ourselves. If reputation, financial success, being liked by everyone, or getting what we want is our greatest priority, then we will lack humility and won't be able to mirror Jesus. We might speak about him, but we won't live like him.

So here is the crucial question: What is your greatest priority? Or what do you want your greatest priority to be?


Wise and awesome God, you are so patient with us, even though we often fail to put you first. By your Spirit, grant us deeper wisdom so that we can serve you more faithfully. Amen.
