【双语灵修】羔羊的新妇 The Wife Of The Lamb


“你到里来,我要将新妇,就是羔羊的妻,指给你看。” - 启 21:9

在神赐给使徒约翰的异象中,我们被邀请享受“新娘,羔羊之妻”的荣耀。荣耀的教会是基督的新娘(又见启 19:5-9;弗 5:21-33)。约翰看到新娘时,他看到了神的荣耀。上帝的一切荣耀都在她身上。她极其华美。教会是神救赎的子民,他们曾是罪的奴仆,现在得自由了。基督爱教会。祂为神的百姓舍己,以自己的生命为代价,使他们成圣。





启示录 21:9-14


The Wife Of The Lamb

"Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." - Revelation 21:9

In this vision that God gave to the apostle John, we are invited to take in the glory of "the bride, the wife of the Lamb." The glorified church is the bride of Christ (see also Revelation 19:5-9; Ephesians 5:21-33). When John sees the bride, he sees in her the glory of God. All the splendors of God adorn her. She is glorious. The church is the ransomed people of God who were slaves to sin and now are set free. Christ loves the church. He gave himself for all God's people and sanctified them through the gift of his life.

Christ adorned the church to present it to himself as glorious, unblemished. His love for the church is everlasting. As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so Christ rejoices over the church, the bride of the Lamb, which is now being prepared, adorned, and sanctified to meet the bridegroom.

That will be the glorious day of the Lord, when Christ will come with power and glory to live with his bride, the redeemed people of God. They will be gathered from the four corners of the earth. The church will join in the banquet of salvation. And the marriage of the Lamb will be celebrated in a feast that will never end!


Father, your church is the bride of the Lamb, for whom Christ gave himself up. I need to love her more and criticize her less. Give me grace to contribute to the beauty of your bride. In Jesus, Amen.
