【双语灵修】喜乐的源头 The Source Of Joy
“要以耶和华为乐,他就将你心里所求的赐给你。” - 诗 37:4
那么,问题是:“我们怎样才能‘以耶和华为乐呢’?”首先,我们需要与神有和好的关系 - 藉着信靠耶稣,我们是可以白白得到这份恩典的。接下来,我们便当专注在我们在基督蒙召要追求的丰盛生命(约翰福音 10:10;15:10-17;马可福音 12:30 -31;路加福音 6:27-36)、并留意要如何立刻开始过这样的生活。
我们可以从歌颂赞美尊崇这位深爱我们的父神开始,祂在我们仍与衪为敌时便差遣衪的爱子来拯救我们了(罗马书 5:8-11)。此外要紧的还有注目这位救赎我们、并为我们预备道路、在完全的喜乐中永远与我们同在的救主。并且每天与引导和安慰我们的圣灵同行,也会引领我们得以进入永远的喜乐、幸福、和满足。
诗篇 37:1-11
The Source Of Joy
"Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4
The desire to have joy and be happy is universal. It is one of the deepest desires of the human heart. But happiness often seems elusive. Surprisingly our Bible passage today offers the hope of happiness, joy, and peace in all times, places, and situations. The psalmist says, "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart."
The question, then, is "How do we 'take delight in the LORD'?" First of all, we need a right relationship with God—and this is offered freely to us through faith in Jesus. And then we can focus on the full life we are called to in Christ (John 10:10; 15:10-17; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 6:27-36) and how we can begin living that way here and now.
Thinking highly of God the Father, who loves us and sent his Son to save us while we were still his enemies is a start (Romans 5:8-11). Focusing on the Savior, who redeemed us and has prepared the way for us to spend eternity with him and each other in perfect joy, is also crucial. And walking with the Spirit, who guides and comforts us each day, will lead to lasting joy, happiness, and contentment.
Some things in this world bring fleeting joy. But all those things break down, wear out, get stolen, rust, burn up, or betray us and ultimately let us down. When we "take delight in the LORD," however, the Spirit produces the lasting fruit of joy in our lives.
Giver of every good gift, we thank you for the promise of giving us the desires of our hearts when we delight in you! Amen.