【双语灵修】以信心为标记的生命 A Life Marked By Faith


“亚伯拉罕因着信,蒙召的时候,就遵命出去,往将来要得为业的地方去 …。” - 来 11:8


在这个月里,就让我们陪伴亚伯拉罕一起来走这条跌宕起伏的信心之旅吧。亚伯拉罕的旅程包括难以置信的挑战、痛苦不堪的挫折、和欢欣鼓舞的胜利 - 这一切都发生在他蒙神呼召去跟从并相信衪一切应许的时候。


然而,亚伯拉罕为什么这样重要呢?归根结底,这都是神的作为。神呼召亚伯拉罕,亚伯拉罕信靠神,神便以此为他的义(创世记 15:6;罗马书 4:3)。因着神的作为,亚伯拉罕对神的信心便成为他一生的标记了。




希伯来书 11:8-10


A Life Marked By Faith

"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went…" - Hebrews 11:8

Though some of us are more adventurous than others, we all long for at least some level of adventure in our lives. Spiritually speaking, adventure begins the moment we hear and heed the call of God in our lives.

This month, let's travel alongside Abraham in his adventurous journey of faith. Abraham's journey includes incredible challenges, painful setbacks, and thrilling victories—all in the context of being called to follow God and to believe in God's promises.

Even though Abraham lived 4,000 years ago, he is still revered as a prophet of God by three major religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. He is considered the father of God's Old Testament people, and his life made a huge impact on human history.

But what made Abraham great? Ultimately it was God who did that. God called Abraham, and Abraham believed in God, and God credited that to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3). Because of God, Abraham's faith in God became the defining mark of his life.

This month, as we study the life of Abraham together, we too will be challenged to trust in God, take him at his word, and step out in faith. An exciting adventure awaits all who follow God's call.


Lord and God, you have invited us into the great adventure of faith, assuring us of your presence always. Give us courage and confidence to follow as you lead the way. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

