【双语灵修】凭着应许前行 Walking In The Promises


“‘我必叫你成为大国。我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大,你也要叫别人得福。’” - 创12:2

我们说创世记 12:1-3是圣经中极为关键的经文,这不过是最保守的说法而已。神呼召和拯救衪子民的过程中,有很多重要的事件,都源于这段经文。在差遣亚伯拉罕出去施行拯救世人的使命之前,神赐给他很多应许。神所应许的话基本是说:“我必与你同在、引导你、保护你、恩待你。”





创世记 12:1-3


Walking In The Promises

"I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." - Genesis 12:2

It would be an understatement to say that Genesis 12:1-3 is a pivotal passage in Scripture. Many of the key events in God's calling and saving his people flow from this passage. Before sending Abraham out on his world-saving mission, God loads him up with an armful of promises. God says, in effect, "I will give you my presence, my guidance, my protection, and my favor."

It's easy to focus on everything Abraham is leaving behind as he follows God's call. But we have to remember what Abraham receives as he follows. God promises that Abraham will inherit a great land and become the father of a great nation, and that all peoples will be blessed through him. Later God made this even clearer by sending his Son, Jesus, born as a descendant of Abraham, to be the promised Savior of the world. Abraham didn't fully understand all the implications of God's promises. He didn't have to. God just called him to walk forward with confidence, trusting in his word.

In many ways, it's no different for us today. Though we have a fuller revelation of God's plan than Abraham did, we do not see all its glorious details. This means that faith is still required if we want to see God's great blessings, and to be God's great blessing to others.


Lord, thank you for your promises. We don't know all that's ahead of us, but we do know the One who is leading us. Help us to trust in you fully. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
