【双语灵修】与魔鬼共舞 Dancing With The Devil
“罗得举目看见约但河的全平原,直到琐珥,都是滋润的,… 也像埃及地。” - 创 13:10
罗得看见约但河畔肥沃的土地,他为自己的好处着想,所以他不假思索便知道怎样选择了。可是罗得缺少了洞察力,他只看见眼前有很大吸引力的土地。但是附近的所多玛和蛾摩拉会带来邪恶败坏的搅扰,长远来说,他没有考虑到在这些城市附近生活会如何影响他的属灵生命 - 又或许他只是盲目自信,亳不在乎。罗得的目光被眼前丰盛的物质蒙蔽了,他在所多玛附近搭建了帐棚 - 最终成为那里的居民(创世记 14:11)。后来,罗得失去了一切 - 包括丧失他的至亲。在此期间,对罪恶的稍稍让步和小小妥协最终导至悲剧(创世记 19章)。
创世记 13:5-13
Dancing With The Devil
"Lot looked around and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered . . . like the land of Egypt." - Genesis 13:10
Abraham and his nephew Lot were wealthy sheepherders. But bickering broke out between their herdsmen. To resolve this turf war, Abraham suggested they herd their livestock in separate areas. After all, there was plenty of good land to use.
Lot eyed the fertile land by the Jordan River. He wanted the best for himself, so the choice became a no-brainer for him. But Lot lacked discernment and saw only the attraction of the land in front of him. He did not consider the long-term spiritual consequences of living near Sodom and Gomorrah, with their evil influences—or maybe he just didn't care. Lot's vision was clouded by the material prosperity he saw. He pitched his tents near Sodom—and eventually became a resident there (Genesis 14:11). Later on, Lot lost everything—even those who were close to him. Small concessions and little compromises along the way led to disaster (Genesis 19).
Lot's life serves as a warning sign. We cannot compromise with wickedness and evil and come away unscathed. We cannot dance with the devil without getting hurt. Moral compromise begins with small steps in the wrong direction.
Lord, worldly pleasures and earthly gains dazzle us, and we can easily lose our way. Guide us to ask for your wisdom and to live by it. Strengthen us to be able to resist the devil and to draw near to you. In Jesus, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳