【双语灵修】注目在奖赏上 Eyes On The Prize


“他等候那座有根基的城,就是神所经营、所建造的。” - 来 11:10

从回应神的呼召那一刻开始,亚伯拉罕便成为一个寄居者;他住帐棚,常常到处迁移。尽管亚伯拉罕感谢神所赐的福,但他开始深刻理解到这个世界的一切有形质的资产都是暂时的,因为万物都有完结的日子。在这段时间中,亚伯拉罕的视野拓宽了,他开始渴望凭信心获得更大的奖赏 - 一个永远的家,“就是神所经营、所建造的”那座城。

亚伯拉罕今生不能活到神所有的应许应验的日子,我们任何一个人同样也如此。然而,亚伯拉罕一生都不断跟随主向前走。因着信,他知道更精彩的好戏还在后头。他盼望在一座由神建造的城与神一同享受不朽的生命 - 这里所指的城就是新耶路撒冷城(参看启示录 21-22章)。亚伯拉罕相信,应许之地不单指在迦南的一片土地,也不单是亚伯拉罕和他的后裔生活过的地方,它更是神的灵在衪的荣耀旨意中的居所。亚伯拉罕相信他将会在天上与神同住,所以他对在这个世界上的生活有与世界迥异的看法。

我们同样也是这个世界的寄居者,我们已然经历到神部份的应许应验了。像亚伯拉罕那样,我们注目等候将要赐给我们大奖赏的那日子 - 就是耶稣再来和更新万有的那日子。



希伯来书 11:8-16


Eyes On The Prize

"He was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God." - Hebrews 11:10

From the time he received God's call, Abraham became a sojourner. He lived in tents and frequently moved around. While Abraham appreciated the blessings of God, he came to realize that everything on this earth is temporary. Everything has an expiration date. Over the years Abraham grew in perspective. He began to desire an even greater reward that comes by faith—an eternal home "whose architect and builder is God."

Abraham didn't live long enough to see all of God's promises fulfilled. Neither do any of us. Yet throughout his life, Abraham kept moving forward, following after God. By faith, he knew that the best was yet to come. He looked forward to enjoying life with God in a city that God would build—a reference to the New Jerusalem (see Revelation 21-22). Abraham came to believe that the promised land was more than a plot of dirt in the land of Canaan. It was not only a place where Abraham and his descendants could live but also a place where God's Spirit dwells in all his glory. Abraham believed in having life with God in heaven, and that made all the difference while he was here on earth.

We too live as sojourners on this earth. We experience partial fulfillments of God's promises. And, like Abraham, we keep our eyes on the glorious prize that awaits us someday—when Jesus will return and make all things new.


Lord Jesus, we can get so distracted in this world. Help us to look forward to life with you in your kingdom when it fully comes. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
