【双语灵修】教会的荣美She’s A Beauty


“那时…教会都得平安,被建立;凡事敬畏主,蒙圣灵的安慰,人数就增多了。” - 徒 9:31








使徒行传 9:31


She’s A Beauty

"The church . . . enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers." - Acts 9:31

I remember going to visit a town near our home and being surprised to find a Corvette show going on. I was excited to check out all the beautiful cars on display. From older ’Vettes to new ones, those cars were something to behold.

When I think of the church (no, not like a Corvette), I think of it as something of beauty. Sure, it has scratches and dents, and of course it has an ugly side because it’s made of people—but I think the church can be so stunning.

When Saul (Paul) became a follower of Jesus, he was committed to making sure the church was something to behold.

This verse for us today is worth reading a few times. The newly formed church of Jesus was a place of peace and was being built up. I think of a high-rise building being built floor by floor—and before you know it, the beauty is revealed. The people (the church) walked in the fear of God and multiplied.

The building-up of the church wasn’t about slick programs or clever preaching. The hearts of the people were aligned with God, and they were encouraged by the Holy Spirit. They had a deep sense of awe as they walked in step with the Lord, and they made sure God got the glory.


God, forgive us for seeing the church through the wrong lens at times. Guide us to focus on the right things that will help us grow. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
