【双语灵修】主啊,求你与我们同行Walk With Us, Lord


“我们是永生神的殿,就如神曾说:‘我要在他们中间居住,在他们中间来往;我要作他们的神,他们要作我的子民。’” - 林后 6:16


13年前,Betty女士的孙女Sabrina在一次车祸中丧生,留下三个年幼的儿子,Betty女士便收养了这三个曾孙。在一次星期日崇拜后,她三个曾孙其中之一Andre Taylor被人枪杀。

RCM一直是她的庇护所 - 她每星期都来这里四五次。主日她参加礼拜和主日学,星期二来祈祷会,星期三参与接待小组。此外她也会在其他时间来RCM,有时是因为她需要人与她一同祈祷,有时是她需要食物和日用品。

和其他人一样,她最需要的就是神与她同在的确据 - 就是肯定耶稣仍然与她同行。不论我们是否察觉到、感受到、承认这个事实 - 我们敬拜的神,是在耶稣里,透过圣灵与我们同行的。




哥林多后书 6:16-18


Walk With Us, Lord

"We are the temple of the living God. As God has said: 'I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.'" - 2 Corinthians 6:16

Ms. Betty, 86, shuffles with her walker to the front of the sanctuary. She drops to her knees while singing the words of a spiritual: "Walk with me, Lord! Walk with me. While I'm on this tedious journey, I want Jesus to walk with me."

Thirteen years ago Ms. Betty's granddaughter Sabrina died in a car accident, leaving three young sons behind. Ms. Betty took in all three great-grandsons. After church one Sunday, one of those grandsons, Andre Taylor, was shot and killed.

Roseland Christian Ministries has been her refuge—she comes here four to five times a week. She's at worship and Sunday school on Sunday, prayer meeting on Tuesday, hospitality committee on Wednesday, and stops in at other times too. Some days she needs prayer; some days she needs groceries.

Most of all, like the rest of us, she needs assurance that God is with her—that Jesus is still walking with her. Whether we are aware of it, feel it, acknowledge it, or not—we worship the God who, in Jesus and by his Spirit, walks with us.

God is with you. Christ is present with you on your journey today and every day.


Walk with us, Lord. While we are on this journey, please continue to walk with us, be our guide, and hold our hand. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
