
“你们要休息,要知道我是神。” - 诗 46:10

RCM通常在星期三是很忙碌的。大芝加哥食物分发机构会送来很多食物,医疗人员到社区来为居民服务,又供应70到90份午餐给来就餐的男女。在大家忙碌的身影背后的一间小教室中,有一班年长的妇女正围坐一圈在聚会。这个聚会每个星期几乎都是以相同的方式开始的,我们当中会有一人读诗篇 46:10:“你们要休息,要知道我是神。”然后我们会花几分钟静静地坐着安息。






诗篇 46:10-11



"Be still, and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10

Wednesdays are busy at Roseland Christian Ministries. The Greater Chicago Food Depository drops off several tons of food, medical professionals come to provide medical care to the community, and lunch is served to 70-90 men and women.

In a small classroom behind this hustle and bustle, a gathering of mostly older women sits in a circle. Nearly every week our meeting begins in the same way. One of us reads Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God." Then we sit in stillness and silence together for a few minutes.

I tend to want to fill the silence with noise. I want to break the stillness with movement. But when I surrender my desire to talk and move, and we simply sit in the still silence as brothers and sisters, I am surprised at the peace and calm that come over us.

In our hearts and minds we say over and over again, "Be still, and know that I am God." Those few minutes each week, for all of us who gather in the circle, have become a sanctuary in the midst of chaos.

What about you? Do you have a place and time to sit with others in the stillness and silence of God's presence?


Lord, we can often get so busy and distracted. Help us to still our minds and bodies and to rest in the assurance that you are God and you are with us. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
