【双语灵修】基立溪旁Kerith Ravine


“去住在约旦河东的基立溪旁,乌鸦早晚给他叼饼和肉来,他也喝那溪里的水。” - 王上 17:5-6


Chanell坐在RCM基督少年军(Cadets) 造的木凳上,在树荫下注视着那些长满鲜花和菜蔬的社区种植园圃。那里安置的喂鸟器又引来了金翅雀和其他一些飞鸟。有一天早上我走近Chanell问她:“你为什么每天都到这里来?”

她微笑着回答:“我喜欢看见花草生长、雀鸟飞来觅食。我经历过很多 - 被虐待、被家暴、成瘾症,所有你能想到的,我都经历过了。我坐在这里,可以领受神赐我的一刻平安,直至我能再次面对这个破碎的世界。”





列王纪上 17:2-6


Kerith Ravine

"He went to the Kerith Ravine. . . . The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and . . . in the evening, and he drank from the brook." - 1 Kings 17:5-6

Last spring Chanell sat on a bench in the vacant lot adjacent to the Roseland Christian Ministries parking lot. A few years ago, with the help of a supporting contractor, that vacant lot was excavated. Good topsoil was brought in. Grass seed was planted, and that lot has become a beautiful stretch of green between an abandoned building and our parking lot.

Chanell was sitting on a bench made by the Roseland Cadets boys club. She sat in the shade, staring at the community garden boxes, in which flowers and vegetables grow in abundance. A bird feeder invites goldfinches and other birds in. One morning I walked over to her and asked, "What are you doing out here every day?"

She smiled and said, "I like to see the flowers growing, watch the birds come and eat. I've been through so much—abuse, domestic violence, addiction. You name it, I've lived it. I sit here and receive my little peace from God until I'm able to face the world again."

In a time of drought and famine, when the leaders and people of Israel had rebelled against God, Elijah went to the Kerith Ravine. Chanell sits on a bench at a community garden. In places like those, God provides safety, security, and a restoring of the soul. We all need a Kerith Ravine. Where is yours?


Lord, lead us to restoration and security as you care for us each day. Provide us a place where we can find peace in you. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
