【双语灵修】几件事A Few Things


“有几件事我要责备你......所以,你当悔改。” - 启 2:14-16


耶稣称赞了祂的追随者对祂的忠心。祂说:“然而,有几件事我要责备你。” 教会中有些人试图将他们对耶稣的信仰与异教习俗混为一谈,包括举行敬拜“派对”,向偶像供奉食物,酗酒,淫乱。而耶稣不会容忍这些。

许多年前,假先知巴兰制定了一个计划,引诱以色列人做出类似的淫乱行为(民 25:1-3;31:16)。耶稣还提到了尼哥拉一党人(见启 2:6),他们似乎希望基督的追随者在信仰上妥协。但任何妥协都会阻碍人全心全意地委身于耶稣。





启示录 2:14-16


A Few Things

"I have a few things against you. . . . Repent therefore!" — Revelation 2:14-16

Many of the Christians in Pergamum remained true to Jesus. That would not have been easy. An altar to Zeus stood near the tip of the city's mountaintop, in the shadow of a temple built by the emperor Trajan. Below stood a "healing center" dedicated to the god Asclepius. And the worship of Dionysus led to sexual perversions in pagan worship.

Jesus commended his followers for remaining true to him. "Nevertheless, I have a few things against you," he said. Some people in the church were trying to mix their faith in Jesus with pagan practices. Those practices included worship "parties" where food was offered to idols and people engaged in drunkenness and sexual perversions. And Jesus does not put up with that.

Many years earlier, Balaam, a false prophet, had set up a plan to tempt the men of Israel to similar perversions (Numbers 25:1-3; 31:16). Jesus also mentioned the Nicolaitans (see Rev. 2:6), who seem to have wanted Christ's followers to compromise their beliefs. But any compromise would oppose a wholehearted commitment to Jesus.

So the church was to call its members to repent, said Jesus, or he would come "and fight against them with the sword of [his] mouth." This meant he would bring his Word of judgment against them.

This warning remains for all of us today. Let us take note, repent, and submit to Jesus.


Lord Jesus, help us to follow you wholeheartedly. We confess our sins and repent, knowing you are faithful to forgive. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
