【双语灵修】成为教会Be The Church


“我要(将)......我的新名......写在他身上。” - 启 3:12




由于他们抓住了耶稣的应许,非拉铁非教会将成为“神殿中的柱子”,成为神在世上永恒同在的一部份。他们身上会写上神的名、新耶路撒冷的名、上帝之城的名和耶稣的新名(这可能指的是启 19:11-16)。它们将被重新命名,以表明它们因信耶稣基督而属于神。




启示录 3:11-13


Be The Church

"I will also write on them my new name." — Revelation 3:12

Rebranding often refers to renaming a business or institution and updating its logo and communication materials.

The church in Philadelphia was going to be rebranded, receiving a new name. They had been given an open door that no one could shut; they were recognized as true citizens of the kingdom of God. People who tried to discourage and persecute them would recognize that the love of God was directed toward all who believed in Jesus as Savior and Messiah. The resurrected Jesus was now the way to full life through faith.

The Philadelphia church would also be protected by Jesus through a time of great trial. And Jesus does not say he would take them out of the trial but would protect them through it.

As they held on to Jesus' promises, the Philadelphia church would become like "a pillar in the temple of God," a permanent part of God's presence in the world. On them would be written the name of God, the name of the new Jerusalem, God's city, and Jesus' new name (this may refer to Revelation 19:11-16). They would be rebranded to show that they belonged to God through faith in Jesus Christ.

"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says." Childlike faith and perseverance in the name of the One "who is holy and true," even through persecution, will result in citizenship in the eternal kingdom of God.


Loving God, may we trust in you for all things, at all times, in every way. Strengthen our resolve to be your family. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
