【双语灵修】耶稣改变我们成为跟从祂的人Jesus Makes Us Into His Followers


“‘若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架来跟从我。’” - 可 8:34


留意耶稣说我们当舍己,而不是说我们当舍弃某些东西 - 例如巧克力或一辆新车。我们必须舍弃自己的个人利益,单顾自己和自高自大的心。误入歧途的旧我,必须要由一个按着耶稣的形像所造的新我取代。像耶稣那样,这个新我不是要受人的服侍,乃是要服侍人,并且要为人舍命(马可福音 10:45)。


耶稣背起祂的十字架和甘愿被钉死,祂一次过的牺牲,好叫我们的旧人被钉在十字架上、不再作罪的奴仆、和藉着祂成为新造的人(罗马书 6:6-7;加拉太书 5:24)。藉着在基督里赐我们新生命的圣灵的能力,我们被召去效法基督舍己的生命。耶稣解释说:“凡要救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;凡为我和福音丧掉生命的,必救了生命。”



马可福音 8:34-38


Jesus Makes Us Into His Followers

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." - Mark 8:34

Following Jesus means more than listening to him and agreeing with his teachings. Jesus says that whoever wants to be his disciple "must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow" him.

Notice that Jesus says we must deny our selves, not that we must deny ourselves something—like chocolate or a new car. We are to deny our own self-interest, self-absorption, and pride. The misguided self must be replaced with a new self that is being shaped to be like Jesus. And, like Jesus, this new self is not here to be served, but to serve, and to give its life for others (Mark 10:45).

What does it mean to take up our cross? It means being willing to sacrifice our own desires and to give of ourselves so that others may come to know Jesus and want to follow him. That's what he did for us, and he calls us to follow his example, even to the point of suffering and giving up our own life, if necessary.

Jesus took up his cross and let himself be crucified, once for all, so that our old selves could be crucified, set free from sin, and made new through him (Romans 6:6-7; Galatians 5:24). And by the power of the Holy Spirit, who gives us new life in Christ, we are called to take on the self-sacrificial life of Christ. Jesus explains: "Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it."


Jesus, help us to follow you. Fill us with your Spirit so that we may deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow you. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
