【双语灵修】耶稣替我们拣选生命Jesus Chooses Life For Us


“我今日呼天唤地向你作见证。我将生死祸福陈明在你面前,所以你要拣选生命…。” - 申 30:19

申命记是摩西对神的子民以色列民的临别赠言,所以他直率地对他们说:“你们有两条路可以拣选 - 蒙福和生命的路,或是咒诅和死亡的路。务要拣选生命那条路呀!”


在摩西的时代,神用一个“约”把选择放在以色列民面前。约是一个神与祂子民的一个协定 - 双方保证要忠诚互相对待。神应许对祂的子民忠诚,而祂的子民被呼召去作同样的回应。他们需要对神忠诚,他们要守“约”的条款。这些条款便成为总结在十诫中的律法:不要敬拜或服事其他神,不要伤害邻舍等等。

从来没有人能完全遵守那约的条款 - 直至耶稣来到。耶稣是唯一能守那约的规条的人。而祂不但为自己拣选生命,祂更为每一个选择相信祂的人提供生命。感谢耶稣,我们能得福和得生命。



申命记 30:15-20


Jesus Chooses Life For Us

"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life. . . ." - Deuteronomy 30:19

In Deuteronomy, Moses is giving his farewell speech to God's people Israel. So he tells the Israelites straight up: "You can go one of two ways—the way of blessings and life, or the way of curses and death. Choose life!"

The choice seems rather simple and obvious, right? I can't imagine people saying, "Well, I'll choose curses and death." But some do. Some people reject or ignore the choice that God gives them.

The same thing happens today. People reject or ignore the choice to follow Christ.

In Moses' day, God laid the choice in front of Israel in terms of a "covenant." That was a pact between God and his people—a pledge of fidelity on both sides. God promised to be faithful to his people, and the people were called to reciprocate. They needed to be faithful to God. They needed to keep the terms of the covenant. Those terms made up the law, summarized in the Ten Commandments: do not worship or serve other gods; do not harm your neighbor; and so on.

Yet no human could keep the terms of that covenant perfectly—till Jesus came. Jesus is the only human who kept every stipulation of the covenant. And he not only chose life for himself but also made it available to all who choose life in him. Thanks to Jesus, we have blessings and life!


Jesus, you have blessed us in every way. You give us life now and forever. Help us share this good news everywhere. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
