
“耶稣对他们说:‘来跟从我……’ 他们就立刻舍了网,跟从了他。” - 太 4:19-20








马太福音 4:18-22


Discipleship: Embracing The Call

"'Come, follow me,' Jesus said. . . . At once they left their nets and followed him." - Matthew 4:19-20

When Jesus called his disciples, he issued an invitation that went beyond mere companionship. He called for a radical commitment to follow him completely. This call echoes through time, extending to us as his followers today, urging us to embrace the path of discipleship.

Discipleship is more than attending church or learning about Jesus. It is a transformative journey of surrender, obedience, and growth. Just as he called his first disciples to follow him, Jesus invites us to do the same. This might even mean changing the work we do. The main point is to let go of pursuits that would hinder our devotion to him.

Our aim as disciples is to follow our Master by living out his teachings. Through an intimate relationship with Jesus, we are transformed into his likeness and empowered to make an impact for good in the world around us.

Discipleship isn't without challenges, but it also offers abundant life and eternal purpose. We discover the joy of knowing Jesus deeply, experiencing his presence, and becoming agents of his kingdom. In this context our faith is refined, our character is shaped, and our lives bear lasting fruit.

Today let's respond to Jesus' call with wholehearted commitment. And may our lives testify to his love, grace, and transformative power.


Lord Jesus, thank you for your call to discipleship. Transform us with your love to follow you faithfully, knowing you are with us. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳