【双语灵修】跨文化交流Cross-cultural Connections
“我观看,见有许多的人,没有人能数过来,是从各国、各族、各民、各方来的,站在宝座和羔羊面前。” - 启 7:9
神在祂的宏伟设计中呼唤我们拥抱跨文化交流(cross-cultural connections),庆祝我们当中的多样性。启示录中的异象让我们瞥见了永恒的国度,在那里,来自各个国家、民族,说着各种语言的人们将团结一致地站在宝座前,敬拜我们的主和救主。
启示录 7:9-12
Cross-cultural Connections
"I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb." - Revelation 7:9
In his grand design God calls us to embrace cross-cultural connections and celebrate the diversity among us. The vision in Revelation reveals a glimpse of the eternal kingdom, where people from every nation, tribe, and language will stand united before the throne, worshiping our Lord and Savior.
Cross-cultural connections allow us to experience the richness and beauty of God's creation. As we interact with people from different cultures, we can learn, grow, and broaden our perspectives. We discover the immense tapestry of humanity, woven together by the Creator's loving hand.
This also requires humility, openness, and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones. It calls us to set aside preconceived notions and to appreciate the backgrounds and experiences of others. Through genuine relationships, we can foster unity, break down barriers, and bridge gaps that divide us.
Following Jesus' example, we learn to love and accept others as they are. Doing so, we become ambassadors of reconciliation and unity, reflecting the heart of God to a fragmented world.
Today let's seek opportunities to engage with individuals from different cultures, listening, learning, and building meaningful relationships. And may our lives bear witness to the power of God's love, fostering unity among all peoples.
Lord, we cherish your diverse creation. Use us for unity and reconciliation, reflecting your love. In Jesus, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳