

“嗐!你们有话说:‘今天明天我们要往某城里去,在那里住一年,做买卖得利。’ ……你们只当说:‘主若愿意,我们就可以活着,也可以做这事,或做那事。’” - 雅 4:13-15


在过渡时期,我们可能会感到不确定和不知所措。然而,若知道每一步神都与我们同在,我们就有安慰。我们若全心信靠主,祂必会指引我们的路,提供我们所需的智慧和力量(箴 3:5-6)。

在过渡时期,我们可以通过祷告寻求神的旨意,使我们的渴望与神的话语一致,并寻求他人明智的建议。我们相信,主会修直我们前面的路,哪怕这道路似乎并不清晰。祂知道祂向我们所怀的意念(耶 29:11),祂做事的时间恰到好处。

在经历人生转折时,让我们带着信心和盼望来迎接未来。愿我们依靠神的指引,敞开胸怀迎接祂带来的机遇。在每一个变化的阶段,我们都能相信神会使万事互相效力,叫我们得益处(罗 8:28)。



雅各书 4:13-15



"Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there . . . and make money.' . . . [But] you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.'" - James 4:13-15

Transitions in our lives can be exciting and challenging. Whether it's a new job, a change in relationship status, or a move to a different city, transitions require us to trust in God's guidance and to surrender our plans to him.

In times of transition, we may feel uncertain and overwhelmed. Yet we can find comfort in knowing that God is with us every step of the way. As we trust in the Lord with all our heart, he directs our paths and provides the wisdom and strength we need (Proverbs 3:5-6).

During transitions, we can seek God's will through prayer, aligning our desires with his Word, and by searching out the wise counsel of others. We trust that the Lord will make our paths straight, even when the way seems unclear. He knows the plans he has for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and his timing is perfect.

As we navigate transitions in life, let's embrace them with faith and hope. May we rely on God's guidance and be open to the opportunities he presents. In every season of change we can trust that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).


Gracious God, in all our transitions help us to trust in your guidance and submit to your will. Grant us the wisdom and strength to serve you in all we do. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

