【双语灵修】比以前更好!Better than Before!


“‘看哪,我要做一件新事。’” - 赛 43:19

最近,妻子和我买了一台新的炉灶来替换厨房那台旧的。第一次使用它时,我把盛在锅里的牛奶放在炉灶上面,然后开猛火来煮燕麦。我转身片刻去取一些食材 ——牛奶突然从四面八方滚滚流出来,甚至渗入炉灶门的玻璃之间。我们的新炉灶难道就这样报销了吗?当我们松了螺丝来查看玻璃时,我们很想知道:“为什么会这样?炉灶究竟能否修理得好呢?”


在以赛亚书43章中,当神的子民在这种感受中挣扎时,神便对他们说话。他们流落异乡,他们的家国已遭毁灭。在绝望中,他们认为永远没有办法脱困。然而神却宣告说:“看哪,我要做一件新事! … 你们岂不知道吗?”神提醒我们,衪正在着手做一件新事,而祂更邀请我们与衪同工。




以赛亚书 43:16-21


Better than Before!

"See, I am doing a new thing!" - Isaiah 43:19

英语音频 English Audio

Recently my wife and I replaced our old kitchen stove with a new one. The first time I used it, I put a pan of milk on the range to make oatmeal and turned it on high. I turned around briefly to get some other ingredients—and the next thing I knew, milk was running everywhere, even between the glass panes of the oven door. Would our new stove be ruined? As we removed screws to get at the glass, we wondered, "How did this happen? Will it ever be fixed?"

For many people, it seems the world is that way too. Problems in the world and in our lives can feel overwhelming. We find ourselves asking, "Will things ever be fixed"?

In Isaiah 43, God speaks to his people as they struggle with feeling that way. They are in exile, and their country is in ruins. In despair, they are thinking it will never be fixed. But God declares, "See, I am doing a new thing! . . . Do you not perceive it?" We are reminded that God is at work doing something new, and he invites us to join him.

Our stove eventually got fixed. And God's plan for the world is far greater. He shows us that things will not just be restored—they will be even better than before! Do we have the eyes to see?


Lord of all, thank you for the new things you are doing in our world. Please give us eyes to see what you are doing today, and help us to notice all that you are making new in our lives! In Jesus, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
